PHP Classes

Submit Force: Search Engine URL submission class

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StarStarStarStar 61%Total: 3,394 All time: 1,011 This week: 68Up
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submitforce_current 1.0.0GNU General Publi...Searching, Web services


SubmitForce is a HTTP based URL submission class.

It can submit URLs of pages that you want to be listed by search engine sites using GET or POST methods of form submission.

New engines can be added to the engines.dat configuration file.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2004
Number 7

Prize: One copy of the PHP Anthology book set
The search engine sites catalog and index public Web sites so they can be listed when the users search for information that eventually may be found such sites. For this reason, the search engine sites are one of most important source of visitors of public Web sites.

Although many search engine sites crawl the Web and automatically find new sites soon or later, it may help new sites becoming visible to search engine sites much sooner if the new sites are manually submitted for cataloging or indexing.

This class provides a solution that may help a new site be submitted very quickly to many search engine sites all at once, and so gain visibility much sooner rather than later.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Arun Vijayan.C
Name: Arun Vijayan.C <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: India India
Age: ???
All time rank: 94354 in India India
Week rank: 216 Up14 in India India Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x


*********************************************************************** * SubmitForce v1.0 + * Search Engine autosubmission script. + * Arun Vijayan <> + INTRO: SubmitForce is an automated Search engine submitter class. It submits URLs to search engines and display the status of the submission. * SF Supports GET and POST methods. * Custom HTTP header formatting. * optional client side form validation * Easiest new engine addition * Advanced troubleshooting functionality * No database required. SF submit URLs using the POST/GET form methods. Customized HTTP headers can be framed so that headers like User-Agent, Referer etc. can be easily changed and submitted. This makes it comparable to manual submission. No Database required for SF and new engines can be easily added in a text file. Currently supporting engines like AllTheWeb, Google, WhatUseek, Voila[fr], Rediff[in], ScrubTheWeb, ExactSeek, SplatSearch, TrueSearch, GigaBlast, SearchUK etc. SubmitForce has DEBUG and ONLINE modes of operation. "DEBUG" mode is for troublshooting and tweaking. It will show all status messages and engine respones. "ONLINE" mode only print status of each submission which is suitable for a production site. SubmitForce is a freeware. You can copy and re-distribute the code as you want. INSTALL: Upload the files to your webserver directly. The engines.dat file must be readable by the PHP files. No other configuration required. ADDING MORE SEARCH ENGINES: engines.dat file reserves one line for each engine. Each line containes comma seperated datafields. It can be customized for the user preferences. To add a new listing, try submitting manually once. Find out submitting method, target url and the message shown if the submission was successfull. Arrange these data in the format given below. Format of the dat file is; enginename, fullengineurl, method, success string, user-agent, referer If the method is POST, then you have to look at the engine form source. write down each variable-value pairs and join them with '=' and attach it with target url using '?'. eg.[URL]&email=[EMAIL] NOTE: the submitted url and email are replaced with [URL] and [email] variables placeholders in the data file are [url] = full url that is submitted [email] = email of the user [ip] = IP of the user (not using in current version) [description] = meta description (not added in current version) [keywords] = meta keywords (not added in current version) Comment lines start with charecter # TROUBLESHOOTING : FILE INFO : readme.txt - this file licence.txt - GNU Public Licence SubmitForce.class.php - SubmitForce class lib index.php - submission starter submit.php - submitter _config.php - SF configurtion options submitforce.gif - logo submitforce.css - default stylesheet Greetz: Lot of people to say a thanx. anyway special regards to Snoopy at it really made me think not to write a network client anymore.

  Files folder image Files (8)  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file engines.dat Data Engines.dat Latest
Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Example Example File Form
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. GPL
Accessible without login Plain text file readme.txt Doc. Readme
Accessible without login Plain text file submit.php Example Submission file
Plain text file SubmitForce.class.php Class SubmitForce Class
Accessible without login Plain text file submitforce.css Data Stylesheet
Accessible without login Plain text file _config.php Conf. Config file

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